Root canal dead teeth
Teeth are similar to other organ systems in the body in that they also require
a blood supply, lymphatic and venous drainage,
and nervous innervations.
Root canals are dead teeth. It is one, if not the worst,
source of chronic bacterial toxicity. If the heart or liver
or any other organ in the body dies, it will have to be removed.
Otherwise bacteria and necrosis sets in and the patient can die,
but teeth are commonly left dead in the body.
Teeth have roots with main canals and thousands of side canals
and contained in those side canals are miles of nerves.
When dentists perform a root canal, they remove the nerve
from the main canals, however they do not have access
to the microscopic side canals, which have dead nerves
left behind in those spaces.
Anaerobic bacteria, which do not require oxygen to survive,
thrive in these side canals to grow and excrete toxicity from
digesting necrotic tissue that leads to chronic infection.
Blood supply and lymphatics surround these dead teeth